GOURMET Menu – the Culinary Highlight for Connoisseurs (min. 06, max. 12 persons)


For all those who like it special this service presents great dishes of Tuscan, Italian and International Cuisine with colorful & creative arrangements

INCLUDEDare travel up to 80kms roundtrip, daily shopping for fresh food items, the preparation of your selected quality meal from scratch right in your home, all ingredients, my very good house wine (half a bottle/person), dishing up, dishing up with your facilities and the final clean of the kitchen.

NOT INCLUDED are special D.O.C.G. vintages nor super Tuscan wines. If you desire to order D.O.C.G. wines, please indicate your budget or how much you'd like to spend for a nice bottle (0.75 l). Further aperitif, waiter service, additional table setup (linen cloth, china, cutlery, glasses), flower compositions, live table music a.o. are available only on request at an extra cost.

HOWThe following proposals shall help you to select the Menu for your event. Please feel free to mix & match within the Gourmet Menu below and compose the menu by yourself (please always select 1 Starter, 1 First Dish, 1 Second Dish, The second course comes with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season, 1 Dessert). (* = for vegetarians, eggs and milk products must be allowed)

TIME – Arrival time around 5-6 pm, dinner time around 7-8 pm..


THE WINNER (The most requested Gourmet Menu)

GG301 Carpaccio con vinaigrette bruna, rucola & Parmigiano, pane abbrustolito
(Beef Carpaccio marinated with dark vinaigrette, arugula & Parmesan, toasted bread)
GG502 Risotto allo zafferano*
(Rice with safran, wine, cream and Parmesan)
GG203 Fagotti di manzo con speck, Scamorza ed erbette allo sciroppo del Chianti
(Beef with smoked bacon, Scamorza cheese and herbs in Chianti wine sauce)
GG304 Panna cotta speciale con Amaretti, Amaretto & cioccolato*
(Special fresh Tuscan vanilla custard with Amaretti bisquits, Amaretto liqueur & bitter sweet chocolate sauce)
All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*


GG MENU 1 "Alla fattoria di zio Beppe"

GG101 Cipolle rosse caramellate al Chianti con Taleggio e pistacchio, pane abbrustolito*
(caramelized red onions with Chianti and Taleggio cheese, pistachio and toasted bread)
GG102 Risi e Bisi alla Veneziana
(Creamy rice with peas, Speck and Parmesan)
GG103 Scaloppette di vitella con funghi, vino, panna e Parmigiano
(Sliced veal with mushroom, wine, cream and Parmesan cheese)
GG104 Crema di cioccolato con miele & mandorle tostate*
(Dark bitter sweet chocolate cream with honey & toasted almonds)

All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*

GG MENU 2 "Le magie della bella massaia"

GG201 Involtini di melanzane con pomodoro, ricotta, capperi & erbe, pane abbrustolito*
(Grilled eggplant rolls with tomato, ricotta cheese, capers & herbs, toasted bread)
GG202 Farfalline con straccetti di galletto flambé al Marsala
(Pasta with sliced chicken filets flambé with amber Marsala)
GG203 Fagotti di manzo con speck, Scamorza ed erbette allo sciroppo del Chianti
(Beef with smoked bacon, Scamorza cheese and herbs in Chianti wine sauce)
GG204 Tortina di ricotta con cioccolato & amarene*
(small ricotta cheese cake with amarena & chocolate)
All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*

GG MENU 3 "Il paese in festa"

GG301 Carpaccio con vinaigrette bruna, rucola & Parmigiano, pane abbrustolito
(Beef Carpaccio marinated with dark vinaigrette, arugula & Parmesan, toasted bread)
GG302 Nido di Fidelini con ragout bianco
(Pasta nest with white meat ragout)
GG303 Filetti di maiale con le erbe & crema di Gorgonzola & pinoli tostati
(herbed pork filet with Gorgonzola cream & roasted pine nuts)
GG304 Panna cotta speciale con Amaretti, Amaretto & cioccolato*
(Special fresh Tuscan vanilla custard with Amaretti bisquits, Amaretto liqueur & bitter sweet chocolate sauce)
All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*

GG MENU 4 "Ci vediamo all'uscio dell'orto" (VEGETARIAN)

GG401 Couscous alla Mediterranea*
(Salad of pasta mignon with tomato, cucumber, onion, green, basil)
GG402 Ignudi*
(Tuscan spinach dumplings with fresh sage and Parmesan)
GG403 Flan di parmigiano con miele & pistacchi tostati *
(Parmesan cake with honey & toasted pistachio)
GG404 Sfoglia alle mele e Ricotta*
(Thin spiced Tuscan apple cake with Ricotta cheese)
All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*

GG MENU 5 "Nonna Nada racconta"

GG501 Budino di pomodoro con basilico & Parmigiano, pane abbrustolito*
(Small refreshing tomato pudding with basil & Parmesan, toasted bread)
GG502 Risotto allo zafferano*
(Rice with safran, wine and cream)
GG503 Scaloppina Valle d’Aosta
(Beef purse with herbed ham, soft cheese and white wine)
GG504 Semifreddo di Stracciatella con frutti di Bosco, bisquit*
(Half frozen Mascarpone cream with chocolate crumbs, wild berries and bisquit)
All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*


GG MENU 6 "Nel cortile di zia Giada"

GG601 Barchette di sedano con Gorgonzola, pane abbrustolito*
(Celery hearts with Gorgonzola sauce in a salad nest, toasted bread)
GG602 Tagliatelle strascicate con speciale ragù allo Zibaldone senese
(Pasta with specially spiced Tuscan creamy meat sauce)
GG603 Coniglio alle erbe con olive nere e Vinsanto
(Tuscan rabbit simmered with black olives, herbs and Vinsanto)
GG604 Formaggi assortiti* (Assorted local cheese)
All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*


GG MENU 7 "Blubb, disse Nettuno" (FISH)

GG701 Carpaccio di pesce spada con vinaigrette chiara & erba cipollina, pane abbrustolito
(Swordfish carpaccio with white vinaigrette and herbs, toasted bread)
GG702 Spaghettini con ragù del pescatore
(Thin Spaghetti with fish & shellfish ragout)
GG703 Bistecca di Salmone con le erbe
(Salmon steak with herbs)
GG704 Tiramisù speciale al limone e Limoncello*
(Special Tiramisù with lemon and Limoncello liqueur)
All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*


GG MENU 8 "I canti della laguna" (FISH)

GG801 Involtini di salmone con Robiola, erbe & finocchio, pane abbrustolito
(smoked salmon rolls with fresh cheese, chives on fennel bed, toasted bread)
GG802 Gnocchi con pesce, zucchini, vino bianco e panna
(Potato gnocchi with fish, zucchini, white wine and cream)
GG803 Filetti di pesce con ciliegine, vino bianco e basilico
(White fish with cherry tomato, basil and wine)
GG804 Tortina al caffe & cioccolato* (Biscuit cake with coffee & chocolate)
All the second courses come with roasted potatoes & herbed grilled vegetables of the season*


PLEASE NOTE: Until it is possible Chef Mattisse prepares all your Menus mostly with organic or/and NO OGM ingredients. Usually all ingredients are always available, but especially fish depends on the daily market offer. To guarantee constant availability a basic ingredient might be frozen and sometimes there might be even a menu change. If so I beg your pardon and thanks for your understanding. Furthermore Chef Mattisse will not be responsible for any harm or injury, neither physical nor mental, resulting from any allergy or any hypersensitive reaction towards certain aliments.

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Photos by Mattisse © , Mauro Muggia & Herbert Plomin

Mattisse Chefservice, San Donato in Poggio (FI), 50028 Toscana/Italia, Mobile Phone (0039) 339 2678 469, P.IVA 04918630486